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North Park Little League

Divisions of Play

North Park Little League is comprised of the following divisions: Seniors, Juniors, Intermediate, AAA, AA, Caps, Coach Pitch, and T-Ball. Details for each division are provided below.

League Age is set by Little League International and determines in which division a player is eligible to play. School grade is a factor. For more information: League Age Determination. If you are not sure of the Little League Age of your child, confirm your child's age with Little League International's League Age Calculator.


League Age: 15-16
Draft: Depending on number of players a draft may be conducted.
Keeper: Not a "keeper" division. Players are redrafted each season

League Age: 13-14. Based on draft or manager selection.
Draft: Players assigned to teams based on a draft.
Keeper: Not a "keeper" division. Players are redrafted each season.
Player Assessment is required

Intermediate (50/70)
Eligible Players: League Age: 12-13 Unless selected to play Juniors, all league age 12 & 13 yo players will play 50/70.
League Age 11 year olds will register for AAA/Majors and will MAY be drafted up depending on need/skill/aptitude.
Draft: Players are assigned to teams based on a draft.
Keeper: Not a "keeper" division. Players are redrafted each season.
Player Assessment: Little League International mandates player assessment to be eligible for Majors.
Other Information: All teams must have 12 players.
For more information: 50/70 FAQs

Majors (not typically offered in Spring Season)
Eligible Players: League Age: 11-12
Draft: Players are assigned to teams based on a draft.
Keeper: Not a "keeper" division. Players are redrafted each season.
Player Assessment: Player assessment is required
Other Information: North Park Little League has a target of 12 players per team. This figure may vary based on both the number of players registered and the number of teams

Minors - AAA (High Minors)
Eligible Players: League Age: 9-11 All league age 11 year old players not drafted to play 50/70 will play AAA.
League age 9 and 10 year olds will be drafted up to AAA depending on needs, skill and aptitude.
Draft: Players are assigned to teams based on a draft.
Keeper: Not a "keeper" division. Players are redrafted each season.
Player Assessment: Player assessment is required for AAA
Other Information: North Park Little League has a target of 12 players per team in AAA. This figure may vary based on both the number of players registered and the number of teams

Minors - AA (Low Minors)
Eligible Players:  League Age: 8-10.
All League Age 8 year olds will register with the CAPS Division and are invited to attend player assessment day for the opportunity to draft into AA division
All 9 & 10 year old players not drafted in AAA will be drafted in AA.
Draft: Players are assigned to teams based on a draft.
Keeper: Not a "keeper" division. Players are redrafted each season.
Player Assessment: Player assessment is required for AA
Other Information: North Park Little League has a target of 12 players per team in AA. This figure may vary based on both the number of players registered and the number of teams

Minors - CAPS (Machine Pitch)
Eligible Players:  League Age: 7-8. All league age 8 players not drafted into AA division will play in the CAPS division.
League Age 8 year olds are invited to (optionally) attend player assessment day for the opportunity to play in the AA (player pitch) division
League age 9 year olds are eligible to play in this division (by request/approval).
Draft: Players are assigned to teams by league officials with the intent to create balance within the division.
Keeper: Not a "keeper" division.
Player Assessment: There is no player assessment for the CAPS level.
Other Information: North Park Little League has a target of 12 players per team in Caps. This figure may vary based on both the number of players registered and the number of teams.

Coach Pitch
Eligible Players: League Age: 5-6 (League age 4 by request)
Draft: None.
Keeper: n/a.
Player Assessment: n/a.
Other Information: The number of players per team varies based on both the number of players registered and the number of teams. The intent is to keep the size of the teams small, preferably 7-9 players per team.

Eligible Players: League Age: 4-5 (first year players only).
Draft: None.
Keeper: n/a.
Player Assessment: n/a.
Other Information: The number of players per team varies based on both the number of players registered and the number of teams. The intent is to keep the size of the teams small, preferably 7-9 players per team.


North Park Little League

2801 B Street, P.O. Box #124
San Diego, California 92102

Email: [email protected]

Contact Us

North Park Little League

2801 B Street, P.O. Box #124
San Diego, California 92102

Email: [email protected]

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