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North Park Little League

Parent-Volunteer Information

When your child plays for North Park Little League (NPLL), you can expect well-managed fields, professional umpires, great uniforms, and a learning environment that is supportive and kind to your child no matter their skill level. Our volunteer coaches are trained and do a great job of supporting our kids and teaching them the game.

How Parents Can Help

There are many ways for parents to help make NPLL run smoothly.

  • Volunteer to Manage a team!
  • Volunteer to be an Assistant Coach by helping run practices or assisting during the games (full time or part time). This could be helping base coach or manage the dugout during games, or helping run drills at practice.
  • Volunteer to be a Team Parent (organize snacks for games, communicate practice and game info to all the parents, organize the end of year party and trophies)
  • Volunteer to be a Team Information Officer, if not being handled by the Team Parent (run team website for the team by updating the calendar, posting pictures, and helping set up communication and reminders for all parents)
  • Volunteer to be an Umpire (will be trained)
  • Volunteer to be your team's Scorekeeper using the scoreboard or in a scorebook
  • Help our Sponsorship Manager to get new league sponsors
  • Help plan the Dinner Dance Auction Event (biggest fundraiser of the year)
  • Help in the Snack Bar or work extra shifts

NPLL is an all-volunteer organization and WE NEED YOU to make this a great experience for our kids. Contact anyone on the Board of Directors to find out more.


What Parents Can Expect

T-Ball/Coach Pitch

  • Preseason; 1-2 practices per week
  • After opening day 0-1 practices per week
  • Two games a week (Saturday & mid-week game)
  • Games are 4 innings (1-hour max)


  • Preseason; 1-2 practices per week
  • After opening day 1 practice per week
  • Two games a week (Saturday & mid-week game)
  • Games are 6 innings (2-hour max)


  • Preseason 2-3 practices per week
  • After opening day 1-2 practices per week
  • Two games a week (Saturday & mid-week game)


Every team needs a Team Parent! The Team Parent’s main role is to serve as a parent liaison between the league, manages/coaches, and parents.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated so your Team Manager is able to focus on the players. Your role is important and NPLL couldn't do it without you!

All Team Parents need to fill out and turn in the Volunteer Application. Applications can be given to your Manager or turned in at any NPLL Event (Document Day, Assessment Day, etc.) or to an adult at the Snack Bar.

Duties Include:

  • Provide parents with copies of team roster, including player names, parent names, phone numbers (your Team Manager has this information). Each team will receive their own team page on the league website where you can manage this information and make it available.
  • Organize post-game snacks with team families
  • Assist Manager during Picture Day and in distributing photos once they arrive.
  • Remind parents to sign up to work their two-hour Snack Bar shift.
  • Coordinate the theme of your team's basket and collect donations from player families for the silent auction and dinner dance.
  • Coordinate purchase of trophies for distribution at the End of Season Picnic (Good resource with low prices and great selection: Trophy Depot)
  • Coordinate Manager/Coach's gifts and organize the End of Season Picnic.

Remember: You don't have to manage all this on your own. Delegate to other families on the team if you need to as needed.

Other Volunteer Opportunities

NPLL is a non-profit organization and all work is performed by volunteers, so we welcome your participation in the NPLL community. As a member of the NPLL community, we invite you to join us in helping grow and develop our league. 

Opportunities include:

  • Little League International and District 33: Little League provides us the organization, structure and rules, and the local district provides tournaments, training and other resources.
  • NPLL Board of Directors: The current Board has over 20 directors elected by the members of NPLL. Anyone can be elected to the board, and anyone can become a voting member of NPLL for a $5 annual fee. The board has three standing committees: Rules & Conduct, Fundraising & Events and Registration & Membership. Many of our board members are also officers and managers of functions such as umpires, equipment, fields, safety, communications, etc., and nonmembers are invited to participate in these committees.
  • NPLL Volunteers: NPLL depends on volunteers to manage and coach the 35 teams and 325+ kids in the program, as well as all supporting functions. Other volunteer positions include: Team Parent; Field Maintenance; Player Development; Umpire; Fundraising; Snack Bar managers and workers; as well as members of the board.
  • Sponsors: NPLL depends on sponsors for almost 15% of our income and we value the active role many of the local businesses play in NPLL beyond their financial contribution.
  • Parents & Family Members: The youth sports experience is as much a family experience as it is an exercise in physical, mental, and social growth for each child. NPLL appreciates the full participation of families as spectators and volunteers.
  • Players: At the end of the day, it is about the kids and our NPLL community never loses sight of that. We work hard for them so that they can grow within the NPLL community.

If you would like more information on any of the above, please contact any current Board Member.


North Park Little League

2801 B Street, P.O. Box #124
San Diego, California 92102

Email: [email protected]

Contact Us

North Park Little League

2801 B Street, P.O. Box #124
San Diego, California 92102

Email: [email protected]

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